Pour compléter les cadeaux de fin d'année, une idée facile et rapide, des marque-pages tout mignons trouvés ici : http://www.mysweettalkshop.com/2012/02/sweettalk-shop-sweet-easy-craft.html
Ma version :
Grands trombones trouvés chez Bureau Vallée, trombones en étoile trouvés chez Maxi Bazar, rubans divers (ou chutes de tissus) de Mondial Tissus.
It's summer time again... just before the holidays, I like to prepare small gifts for the teachers, nanny, and all the ones who take care of our children, day after day...
So I revisited an idea found here on the web: it's extremely simple and yet spectacular... not to mention that it's the perfect project to use our stash of ribbons and embellishments.
Big paperclips, ribbons and fabric strips.
Those look great!! I'm sure all the teachers will love them!